“The Third Commandment”
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“Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O be some other name! What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.
Romeo, doff thy name, and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.” William Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet
Those lines come from Shakespeare’s play, that many of us know called Romeo and Juliet—I’m sure many of us have read it or shall I say had to read it. The star-crossed lovers’ oh but their love is forbidden because they come from two rival families that hate each other. He’s a Montague; she’s a Capulet.
Those lines that I just read or touching, but as we saw in the story. Romeo and Juliet found out that names are not so easily discarded. What’s in a name? More than we might think today. Yes it’s true that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, would roses be as popular if they were called skunk or trash?
Parents… you remember right. One of the most important things we could do for our children. We gave them their names. Some of us went through a lot to get the name. We searched the internet, books on popular modern baby names, family history, maybe a relative we like, a favorite character from your favorite movie and even the Bible. And of course, not something that would subject your child to ridicule or being made fun of. Names are important we know it, but did you know that it also matters to the Lord as well. Especially His own.
We saw in the past few months the essence of the first and second commandments. We ought not to worship false Gods but worship the right God and the right God alone. We also saw that we need to worship the right God the right way and any other way is seen by the Lord to be Idolatry and a transgression of the command. But did the brakes get hit when we come to the 3rd commandment? It’s a lighter command… just watch what we say and don’t swear and it will be all good. If we think this is it, we would be mistaken. Gravely mistaken. Another misunderstood command today and let me tell you, this one baby has got teeth.
“You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.
The grass withers, the flowers fades, but the Word of our God lasts forever.
What’s in a Name
How We Misuse
The Name Above All Names
The first thing we will look at today is a picture of the wonderful name of the Lord and why it is majestic in all of the earth. Second, we will look at how we break the 3rd commandment in all the many ways we misuse the name of God. Finally, we will look at the Name that is above every name and why we can and do find great eternal joy in it.
Thesis: Though sin and the pattern of this world cause us to become blind to the real majesty and honor of the name of the Lord bringing countless transgression and dishonor, it is the grace of our Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that will open our hearts and minds to the beauty of the glorious name of God proclaimed and in living faith, find life and salvation. This is the gospel of Jesus.
I. What’s in a Name
- The essence of the third commandment.
A. In our culture today it is not uncommon for me to get responses to commandments like… your serious? God is gonna send people to hell for just for swearing? Just because we misuse His name. Society today may have taken on the same perception of names as did Shakespeare. But society, culture, and time period does not decide right and wrong when it comes to the Lord. The Lord decides and he decides that there is a lot to a name.
Anyone who blasphemes the Name of the Lord must be stoned to death by the whole community of Israel. Any native-born Israelite or foreigner among you who blasphemes the Name of the Lord must be put to death.
B. Even the foreigner is supposed to know better. That is how serious the 3rd commandment was treated. It is here to protect the honor of the great name of God and the people knew it.
God replied to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.” God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.
This is my eternal name,
my name to remember for all generations.
C. God revealed the wonders of the covenant name given. What many call the tetragrammaton for in the Hebrew Yahweh consists of 4 letters YHWH. I AM who I AM or even I will be who I will be. This is how the early Hebrews view the nature of names. For God His name was more than just a mere name, but also His identity. His name speaks to the sum of his person, character, and essence.
For us today our name is a simple label or something we have not necessarily something we are. But not for the ancient Hebrews. A persons name meant so much more. So much more so with God and His people knew it.
D. Here is a vivid illustration of this.
Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.
E. Does my ears deceive me? Moses says, “Show me your glory. I want to see it.” And the Lord says, “I’ll let you see it by speaking. I can’t be seen, but I’ll proclaim my name, YHWH, and that will be my glory passing by.” To put it simply, God showed himself by speaking his name. This is striking and I hope you all see it. The name of the Lord was revered. The scriptures revere the name of the Lord.
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Your glory is higher than the heavens.
Honor the Lord for the glory of his name.
Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
F. It is clear in the Lord’s prayer that the first petition is Hallowed by thy name. There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved. Paul assured the Romans that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The culminating event in all of Creation is when “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
G. The name of the Lord is to be revered, honored, and lifted up. This is the beauty of the name Yahweh and the 3rd commandment protects this beauty.
H. And know this that regulations were given in Judaism not even to use the name of God Yahweh because of the fear of misusing it at all. But that is the issue we must look at today. The Lord desires us to use His name not misuse or abuse His name.
II. How We Misuse
- It is not the use that is forbidden, but the misuse.
A. As a young person I used to wonder what it meant to take the name of the Lord in vain. What is in vain? If we take a quick look at the Hebrew text the word used in the commandment for misuse or taking the name of the Lord in Vain. Is Shav… it means a quality of being valueless or even futile. Worthless, inconsequential, empty, nothing. Wow so with this in mind our hearts should have just opened up the many many ways we misuse the name of the Lord.
B. Do not use the name of the Lod in a way that speaks of it carelessly, thoughtlessly, flippantly in a way that He does not matter or that He did not exist at all. As we saw the name of the Lord was such significance and to treat it as if it was nothing is the greatest or profanity. Profanity meaning- to treat something holy and sacred as something common and secular. To dishonor the name of God is to dishonor God. To dishonor the name of God is a way to say that God Himself is worthless. And we do this in many ways.
C. The Westminster Larger Catechism – Question 113 The sins forbidden in the third commandment are, the not using of God’s name as is required; and the abuse of it in an ignorant, vain, irreverent, profane, superstitious, or wicked mentioning, or otherwise using his titles, attributes, ordinances, or works, by blasphemy, perjury; all sinful cursings, oaths, vows, and lots; violating of our oaths and vows, if lawful; and fulfilling them, if of things unlawful; murmuring and quarreling at, curious prying into, and misapplying of God’s decrees and providences; misinterpreting, misapplying, or any way perverting the Word, or any part of it, to profane jests, curious or unprofitable questions, vain janglings, or the maintaining of false doctrines; abusing it, the creatures, or anything contained under the name of God, to charms, or sinful lusts and practices; the maligning, scorning, reviling, or anywise opposing of God’s truth, grace, and ways; making profession of religion in hypocrisy, or for sinister ends; being ashamed of it, or a shame to it, by unconformable, unwise, unfruitful, and offensive walking, or backsliding from it.
D. But lets make it a bit simpler. We violate the third commandment when we take up the name of God, his titles (God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit), or any of his names given in Scripture in the service of what is false, frivolous, or phony.
E. We do not use the name of the Lord to serve falsehood. Committing purgery; lying under oath. To persuade others that we are telling the truth we take oaths, like in court, hand on the Bible to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. Saying things like “As the Lord lives...”in the scriptures or on the elementary school playground … “I swear to God”. God is my witness but then we proceed to lie, intend to lie, plan to lie. We do not tie the name of the Lord with falsehood. This is purgury. This is using the name of God to promote falsehood and not the truth. This is a sin. This happens all the time today.
“Do not bring shame on the name of your God by using it to swear falsely. I am the Lord.
F. Another breaking of the commandment that happened and continues to happen today is that of false prophesy. Anytime you are saying thus saith the Lord when he is not is taking the name of the Lord in vain. Not only are we lying, we are dishonoring the name of the Lord.
Then the Lord said, “These prophets are telling lies in my name. I did not send them or tell them to speak. I did not give them any messages. They prophesy of visions and revelations they have never seen or heard. They speak foolishness made up in their own lying hearts. Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I will punish these lying prophets, for they have spoken in my name even though I never sent them. They say that no war or famine will come, but they themselves will die by war and famine!
G. Anytime we are using the divine and holy name of God to advance our agenda falsely, we are breaking the 3rd commandment. We see this throughout all of church history when people try to get credibility by using the name of God proving that God is on their side.
H. Many times I have heard advice given to those who have prophesied and were wrong… don’t worry just keep going and keep trying and you will get better at prophesying. No. You have tied the name of the Lord to a falsehood and untruth and have sinned… go and repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness and stop telling lies in the name of Christ.
I. To call on God’s name in order to manipulate a situation for us, or so that he might lend his power to our godless plans (as in sorcery), would also falsify the name of God. This is why I am always leary of people who say God told them and God showed them. Not only are you breaking the commandment if are wrong, but you are attaching an authority on it that is just not there. If we use the name of God to ascribe a false sense of authority to our ideas, plans, or opinions, we violate the third commandment. But when say that there is only one godly approach to a particular matter, we run the risk of violating the third commandment by using God’s name to give a sense of authority where it may not belong—by unreservedly putting God’s name and stamp of approval on our plans, as if they were his revealed will.
Dr. Phil Ryken - “A more serious way to break the third commandment is by using God’s name to advance our own agenda. Some Christians say, “The Lord told me to do this.” Or worse, they say, “The Lord told me to tell you to do this.” This is false prophecy! God has already said whatever he needs to say to us in his Word. Of course, there is also an inward leading of the Holy Spirit. But this is only an inward leading, and it should not be misrepresented as an authoritative word from God. Phillip Ryken – “Exodus: Saved for God’s Glory”
Dr. Kevin DeYoung - When you say, “This is what God has said”—or, in order to make things more personal, “Here’s a special word that Jesus has for you today”—and that word is not from Scripture, or supersedes or is in addition to Scripture, you’re ascribing the name of God to your own words, plans, and ideas when it does not belong there.
J. When you use God in anything we say and or proclaim, if it is a false hood or you don’t really know if it is for sure God, you are attaching a false authority to it. It’s taking up the name of God in the service of what is false. Even if some of the things which are said are true, it’s falsely ascribing an authority to it that it does not have. It violates the third commandment. This is not to be taken lightly. But today, this kind of talking and writing is found all over the place in the church, even in southern baptist churches.
K. We need to repent of this and recognize the real beauty, holiness, and glory of the name of the Lord and to fear ascribing anything false to His name at all.
L. But there is also ascribing things that are frivolous to the name of the Lord. This is braking the 3rd commandment.
“When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again.
M. When we pray in the name of Christ, we cannot subject it to any kind of frivolity. Subjecting the name of the Lord to nonsense. Nonsensical talk when we pray is a violation.
N. And yes using the name of God to express disdain is a violation. Yes... the G damits, the Jesus Christ, the Good Gods, and the Good Lords all when we are angry and frustrated is all a violation. We’re talking about our creator and Savior, the name of whom should not be used flippantly or in a casual expression of shock, outrage, or anger.
O. Calvin says that we must not use God’s word or name for the purpose of our own ambition, avarice, or amusement. People who peddle the word of God for profit, go into the ministry for riches, or write Christian books and speak at conferences because they’re greedy for gain are violating the third commandment—and probably other commandments too!
P. Being a phony with the name of the Lord is a violation of the 3rd commandment. I am of the opinion that many of our politicians violate the third commandment regularly, using God’s names or titles in a perfunctory or insincere manner, by ending a speech with, “God bless you, and God bless America.” It’s uttered with insincerity, as a mere trite formula.
As Christians, we sin every time we besmirch the name by which we’re called. We must act, think, feel, and speak in a way that’s proper for those who are called by the holy name of Jesus.
“Son of man, when the house of Israel lived in their own land, they defiled it by their ways and their deeds. Their ways before me were like the uncleanness of a woman in her menstrual impurity. So I poured out my wrath upon them for the blood that they had shed in the land, for the idols with which they had defiled it.
Then I was concerned for my holy name, on which my people brought shame among the nations.
“Therefore, give the people of Israel this message from the Sovereign Lord: I am bringing you back, but not because you deserve it. I am doing it to protect my holy name, on which you brought shame while you were scattered among the nations. I will show how holy my great name is—the name on which you brought shame among the nations. And when I reveal my holiness through you before their very eyes, says the Sovereign Lord, then the nations will know that I am the Lord.
Q. The seven sons of sceva showed how the holy name of Christ was profaned and they paid the price for it.
III. The Name Above All Names
- At the name of Jesus.
A. Yes they paid the price and the Lord had promised that he would hold guilty everyone who profanes His name.
During the fight, this son of an Israelite woman blasphemed the Name of the Lord with a curse. So the man was brought to Moses for judgment. His mother was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan. They kept the man in custody until the Lord’s will in the matter should become clear to them.
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take the blasphemer outside the camp, and tell all those who heard the curse to lay their hands on his head. Then let the entire community stone him to death. Say to the people of Israel: Those who curse their God will be punished for their sin. Anyone who blasphemes the Name of the Lord must be stoned to death by the whole community of Israel. Any native-born Israelite or foreigner among you who blasphemes the Name of the Lord must be put to death.
B. The Lord has said that he would hold us accountable for breaking the 3rd commandment. This is serious. The Word of God says that he would not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. The punishment is really not specified… it just states that you are guilty. Does not really seem like a real threat. But do not be fooled. This here is what grammarians call a meiosis…less said but much more is intended. This is kind of like saying… I wouldn’t do that if I were you. This is not an opinion, but a real warning.
C. When the Lord said that he would not hold us guiltless… he meant that He would surely condemn us. We would not be innocent but we would be guilty as we stand before the living God. Why? Because we are hearing it today… misusing the name of God is a terrible terrible sin. Can we think of ways we have misused the glorious name of God? Even in ignorance we are still guilty.
D. Man Shane I have done this a lot… my condemnation is huge. Is there any hope for me? Yes there is.
E. We can find salvation today because Salvation is here and it is because of the name that is above every name… there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. That name is Jesus.
F. Our sin may be great but I’m here to declare today that Jesus and His grace is so much greater. Our purgery and my profanity was great, but Jesus and His grace is so much greater. Our blasphemy and swearing was great, but Jesus and His grace is so much greater. We can find forgiveness in Him. His blood washes away our sin.
G. Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures and he was buried and he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance...